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Has anyone done the real ritualistic tantra union ?

Has anyone done the real ritualistic tantra union ?

After choosing Tantra as my life principle, I have been experiencing immense Joy and Happiness in my life. Once I moved to Germany, I realise how much it is different here. Tantric are usually quite in their minds and loud in their lifes. Still no one sees them around. I am happy to be part of this group and would like to meet people with similar mind set. Now I am curious if anyone has done the real ritualistic tantra union ? I am also curious how you performed it ?
******r1a Mann
248 Beiträge
What is ....
... a "real ritualistic tantra union"?
Is there such a thing? Who is the authority to decide what is real and what is unreal?

Are you talking about a Maituna Ritual?
There are quite a few schools who do it. Eeach in it's own way.

There are quite a few questions crammed into your little quote and I honestly don't really know how to answer. What about the loundness (????) of german people living a tantric life (whatever that means *g* )

Here you find a community of people with some kind of an affinity to Tantra. Isn't that a beginning?
*****205 Mann
771 Beiträge
"real - ritualistic"
Vielleicht widersprechen sich diese beiden Begriffe sogar. Das Ritual ist nur eine Art Spiel oder Theater, ähnlich wie vielleicht Kinder "Doktor" spielen und dabei auch irgendwelche Tabus berühren. Die "echte" Vereinigung im Tantra findet in dir selbst statt, indem du dir selbst begegnest - sei es bei einem Ritual oder sonst wo. Es ist der Ausbruch in die Freiheit von deiner eigenen Programmierung - eine Art Selbsterkenntnis oder "Ich"-Auflösung.

Das Ritual nutzt lediglich die sexuelle Energie um das Ich (und die ihm anhaftenden Tabus) in den Hintergrund zu stellen - wenn man es dabei schafft sich vom vordergründigen Konsum-, Leistungs-, Vergnügungs- oder Denkmodus zu lösen.
****mar Paar
2.113 Beiträge
We as a couple have participated in a maithuna ritual.

However, as we felt it, this was "only" the exterior manifestation of our union as a couple in all-day's life. In a spiritual way, it was the union of shiva and shakti. On a sexual level, it was a wonderful experince.

Is it that what you are asking?
the real ritualistic tantra union ?

Da fragen wir wieder nach dam Was, als könnten wir nichts anderes. "Mach das so und so, dann ist es richtig."
Ich hab in einem anderen Thread schon geschrieben, Tantra ist die Frage nach die wie, nicht nach dem Was. Der Rest sind Analogien und Geschichten zur Verdeutlichung des "Wie". Genau wie die Gleichnisse in der Bibel. Da geht es nie um die Geschichte selbst, sondern die Bedeutung für mein/unser Leben.

Wenn man so angetan von einer Gruppe ist, die einem den wahren Weg zur Erleuchtung präsentiert, bin ich vorsichtig. Könnte auch ein sektenähnliches Ungetüm sein. Oder irgendwas mit Ideologien. Oder Esotherik. alles nicht so der Burner.
*********tery Paar
63 Beiträge
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Notice to our foreign customers: German is the official language to be used in the public forums and in chatrooms.

Danke für die Rücksichtnahme!
******n68 Mann
3.499 Beiträge
Mut zur Fremdsprache
Im Herbst letzten Jahres sind die Regeln etwas gelockert worden. Es liegt nun im Ermessensspielraum des Gruppenleiters, einen nicht-deutschsprachigen Thread zuzulassen.

Treffpunkt Gruppen: Mut zur Fremdsprache
participation and understanding the language barriers.
I really appreciate the participation of all of you and also thankful for understanding my language barrier. It is not easy to discuss such an interesting topic with my limited language skills.
I didn´t intended to question your experience of Tantric Ritualistic Union by raising my question. I was just curious about it. There is ofcourse no last word regarding the approval of how you perform it either. It could be driven by personal consciousness.
About Maithuna- It doesn´t mean Ritualistic Tantric Sex , the word translation means sexual intercourse. But the Maithuna is one of 5 M, karas ( means actions of Vama Marga- means the left hand side of Tantra ). There is no one word for the ritualistic tantric union in Sanskrit as all intercourses were supposed to be Tantric as the partcipants were supposed to be trancending with every union.
I hope you understand my question as just that of a curious mind...
*****205 Mann
771 Beiträge
... language barriers ...
I think there is still a barrier: After your second posting, I do not understand what you mean with "ritualistic tantra union". Maybe you should describe it in detail.
Ritualistic Tantric Union
Here is what I understood about the ritual of Tantric Reunion.
It is not result oriented which means it is does not have a particular point to reach with this ritual. But it helps the participants to transcent beyond the personal consciousness ( ego or personal identity otherwise called the Aham-kara ).
Since it is essential to over the personal existance the participants representing Shiva and Sakthi needs to practice *Tratak for over coming personal prejudices and understanding of the partner.

One practice in Tantra to awaken intuitive power. Here it means the gazing on eyes of partner over a certain period of time. This will change the way you look at each other though you knew a person over a longer period of time.

Preparations of Rituals is as follows,
5 elements representation of bodies need to there at the kshetra ( place of ritual ).
Earth- Flowers
Water- Water
Fire- Lamps / Candles
Air- Incense Sticks or Smoking sticks
Ether- Mantra

Then a Yantra is drawn on the floor with turmeric power or rice powder any non synthetic things as you like.This yantra is the representation of cosmic reunion.

Starts with meditation followed by tratak ..and then you let yourself go with the feelings. Seeking nothing.
I am just explaining what I understood about it... I was not questioning what you guys doing....I apologize my tone....
*******iva Mann
406 Beiträge
Hi kinkyreadycpl
thank you for sharing the description of the ritualistic tantra union - at least as for you know it.
It is very interesting and inspiring.

With my former partner I practised (I think) two 5 M's in our personal temple. (Within a group we had some mor 5 M's!) However a Maithuna puja has a defined aim: the physical union.
As far as I understood your description the physical union is not the goal in the ritualistic tantra union, is it?
With my current lover I go into an intuitive love setting practising tantric sexuality, but in the moment without ritualstic elements. I have to suggest this kind of puja to her. *zwinker*

Namasté and all the best

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